Once you have successfully requested your externally accredited exam, you will have an exam voucher, exam access code, or a date and time chosen to sit the paper. Please use the article below as a guideline for what to do if you have issues with getting your voucher, code, or login details.
Article Content:
- Exam Vouchers, Access Codes, and Logins
- Accessing Your TKA Exam
- Issues with Access
Exam Vouchers, Access Codes, and Logins
When you have completed your training course and feel ready to request your exam you will need to request your exam voucher, exam access code, or select your exam time and date. You will have to request your voucher within 30-days from the last day of your course or 30-days after your E-Learning expires. For more information on the process of requesting an exam please go to our requesting your exam section.
Accessing Your TKA Exam
When you have completed your training course with us and feel ready to request your TKA exam you will need to follow our exams process. You will need to go to our exam booking page and request your exam with a suitable time and date for you. Your exam request will either be accepted or rejected on the same day. You will then have 14 days to sit the exam.
Issues with Access
If you have not yet received your exam voucher or if you are unsure on how to go about requesting it please use our requesting your exam section. If you have followed that guide and are still having issues with gaining access to your exam you will need to speak to a member of our Customer Care team. You can do this using our tickets page. A member of our Customer Care team will review your ticket and respond to you with a resolution.